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Edit Files with GitHub

eshimabAbout 6 min


  1. See if git is installed (Usually ships on Mac)
    git version
  2. Initialize the Git directory on local machine
    1. Make the directory mkdir named vuebook in the /Users/username/vuebook
    2. Change Directory cd into ~/vuebook
    mkdir ~/vuebook22
    cd ~/vuebook22
  3. Initialize it as a git directory
    git init .
  4. Set the remote GitHub repository URL
    1. add a new remote alias
    2. Give it the alias (nickname) vuemain
    3. Target the url
    git remote add vuemain
  5. pull a copy of the files
    1. Use the vuemain alias to point to the GitHub URL
    2. Select the main branch (for our use case)
    git pull vuemain main

Ignore Files

  • You must setup a .gitignore file in the root directory so that git does not backup large files or directories.
  • eshimab/vuebook repo contains a .gitignore file that should be downloaded during your first pull
  • In the .gitignore file, you use # for comments
  • The filepaths are relative to the root git directory, in this case vuebook
  • End a directory with / to recursively ignore everything in that directory
  • On MacOS, most folders have a hidden file .DS_Store that is a record keeping file.
    • Ignore these files because they will cause conflicts.
  • Ensure that in ~/vuebook/.gitignore you have:
# ------------------ Directories
# npm / pnpm installed modules
# Temp Directories for VuePress local server
# VuePress Build Distribution
# oversized assets
# ------------------ Files

gitignore Syntax

# Ignore all files with .txt extension
# Ignore all files in the "logs" directory
# Exception: Include "important.txt" even though it has .txt extension
# Exception: Include everything in the "logs" directory

Long Way

On almost every page of the VueBook website, you can click the Edit This Page On GitHub link on the bottom of the page.

![GitHub Link](./assets/img-git/gitnotes-1-vuebook-github-link.png “Vuebook page link to GitHub”)

You could also just go to the github website: in new window

Now you're on the GitHub page. Click the side menu button

::: figure
GitHub Side Menu

Use the dropdown menu below Code on the sidebar. If the main branch is checked off, use the drop-down to select the branch bbnotes.
Using a branch prevents changes from breaking website because it only loads files from the main branch.

Side Menu bbnotes
Side Menu bbnotes

Editing Files

Now you should be able to edit the file, and the filepath above the text editor should display the bbnotes branch:

bbnotes Edit File
bbnotes Edit File

If you accidentally leave the text editor, make sure that you are viewing the Code tab, and have the branch set to bbnotes. use the dropdown in the top right corner to edit the file.

Alternatively, you can click the Code button in the top left of the text editor window. You can see what the rendered content will look like in the Preview pane.

Enter Text Editor
Enter Text Editor

Edit the file using the text editor. You can type enumerated lists using "lazy numbers" because MarkDown till automatically number list items

Numbered List ( Software Will automatically fix numbers)
1.  Item 1
2.  two Spaces after period
3.  Typed numbers don't really matter

-   Bullet List
-   Three spaces after dash

Edit the file with the text editor. If you would like to save the work, then press Commit changes... otherwise, press Cancel changes to permanently erase your edits.

After Editting File
After Editting File

Save Changes with "Commit"

To save your work, click the Commit changes... button. It will open up a Commit changes window. A Commit message is required, you can leave the Extended description blank if you want.

  • Ensure that "Commit directly to the bbnotes branch" is Checked
  • Click the green Commit changes button
Commit Window
Commit Window

You may need to refresh your browser to see the edits. Note that if you are not set the bbnotes branch, the edits will not appear.

Check file edits
Check file edits

  • Reference Links can be defined anywhere in the document
  • The link definitions won't be rendered.
  • Use the [link-id] in text to link to the reference link
  • Note that Markdown Comments are placed between <!-- Comment Text -->
<!-- Reference Link Creation (anywhere in document) -->
[link-id]: ./relative/link/ "Optional Link Text"

<!-- Somewhere in the document -->
And then in text you can call the link with [Link Text][link-id] to create a hyperlink.

Adding Images for Later

I use this to make it obvious we need a picture here.

::: note asset "The Sort Settings Panel in Sortware"
A picture of the sort settings panel with the BOP calculation tab open.

When we add the picture, I will use the text inside the "" to make the image alt text.

![The Sort Settings Panel in Sortware](./assets/picturefile.png)

The ::: note is part of the code syntax. asset indicates that "This is a request for a picture."

Include and Image in Markdown using the following Syntax

Figure Example Goes Here

![Image Caption & Alt Text](./assets/img-git/gitnotes-1-vuebook-github-link.png)

-   Skip a line after the image to center figure and caption.
-   The img filepath is relative to this markdown file ``

That Markdown Code renders as

Figure Example Goes Here

Image Caption & Alt Text
Image Caption & Alt Text
  • Skip a line after the image to center figure and caption.
  • The img filepath is relative to this markdown file

Adding Note Containers

  1. The syntax of ::: means to start a container, those little colored bubbles.
  2. The container types
    • note
    • tip
    • warning
    • danger
    • details
      • This one is special.
      • Everything in the body of the container will be in a drop-down that you need to click.
  3. You use that keyword (note, tip, etc) after the ::: to tell it what kind of container to make.
  4. Everything written after the keyword will be used for the title of the bubble.
  5. The content goes on the next line. It's best to have the same indentation for this text as the :::
  6. End the container with another line with ::: with nothing after.
  7. It's customary to have the same indentation as the starting :::
  8. If you want, the bubbles can be nested under list items by giving them the same indentation.

Note Container Example

An example for the Markdown syntax for creating a note container.

  • Note Container Markdown is what you type in your text file
  • Note Container Render is that is on the website

Note Container Markdown

Here's a tip...
::: tip Don't do FCM
-   "I can see why people in that lab go insane." - Emily 
-   "I need an 8-ball, I mean, a magic one obviously, to get through the day." - Eric
-   "I forgot what my situation was." - Brandon
-   *Left for the mountains and never returned.* - Ken Dogget
That about sums it up.

Note Container Render

Here's a tip...

Don't do FCM

  • "I can see why people in that lab go insane." - Emily
  • "I need an 8-ball, I mean, a magic one obviously, to get through the day." - Eric
  • "I forgot what my situation was." - Brandon
  • Left for the mountains and never returned. - Ken Dogget

That about sums it up.

Nesting Containers

  • If nesting the custom containers,
    • Outer container uses 4 colons ::::
    • Inner container uses the standard 3 :::
  • Indentation of the inner container is optional
    • If you chose to indent, then do so with only 2 spaces

This syntax also works for nesting fenced code blocks!

  • Start code block with 4x backtick: ````markdown
  • End Code block with 4x backtick
  • See Markdown of the next section for an example

Nested Container Example Markdown

:::: tip Outer Container has 4 colons
Outer container text Can be indented by 0-2 spaces without effect
::: note Inner Container has 3 colon and no Indentation
-   You don't have to indent the inner container
Outer container text continues here

:::: tip Outer Container has 4 colons
  Outer container text Can be indented by 0-2 spaces without effect
  ::: note Inner Container has 3 colons and 2 space Indentation
  -   Inner container indentation is only 2 spaces.
  -   Even though list items often use 4 
  Outer container text Can be indented by 2 spaces

:::: tip Outer Container has 4 colons
    Outer container text with 4 space indent is code
    ::: note Inner Container has 3 colons and 4 space Indentation
    -   Inner container has 4 space indentation
    -   It is rendered as a verbose code block
  Outer container text with 0-2 space indent is normal

:::: tip Outer Container has 4 colons
  Here is a fenced code block (superior to using the 4 space method)
  Outer container text with 2 space indent
  ::: note Inner Container has 3 colons and 4 space Indentation
  -   Inner container has 4 space indentation
  -   It is rendered as a fenced code block
  Outer container text with 0-2 space indent is normal

Nested Container Example Render

Outer Container has 4 colons

Outer container text Can be indented by 0-2 spaces without effect

Inner Container has 3 colon and no Indentation

  • You don't have to indent the inner container

Outer container text continues here

Outer Container has 4 colons

Outer container text Can be indented by 0-2 spaces without effect

Inner Container has 3 colons and 2 space Indentation

  • Inner container indentation is only 2 spaces.
  • Even though list items often use 4

Outer container text Can be indented by 2 spaces

Outer Container has 4 colons

Outer container text with 4 space indent is code
::: note Inner Container has 3 colons and 4 space Indentation
-   Inner container has 4 space indentation
-   It is rendered as a verbose code block

Outer container text with 0-2 space indent is normal

Outer Container has 4 colons

Here is a fenced code block (superior to using the 4 space method)

Outer container text with 2 space indent
::: note Inner Container has 3 colons and 4 space Indentation
-   Inner container has 4 space indentation
-   It is rendered as a fenced code block

Outer container text with 0-2 space indent is normal

Using GitHub Example

Edit File using GitHub UI

Editting Files on GitHub
Editting Files on GitHub

Commit those changes to save the edits

Committing the edits on GitHub
Committing the edits on GitHub

Behold your beautiful work

The Website Rendered on VuePress
The Website Rendered on VuePress

GitHub will not render the containers

There are many Markdown extensions, this is one of them.
VueBook will render the containers.
Just commit edits to the main branch and the website will render them.