Fluidics Pre-Flight
Less than 1 minute
Hook-Up Waste Canister
- Connect InFlux Waste Lines Intake
- Connect Vacuum Pump
asset Waste tank / Vac Pump
The waste tank connected to the vacuum pump.
asset Vac Guard picture
A properly installed Vacu-Guard filter.
Always use Vacu-Guard
- Ensure that the vacuum pump to waste tank line has a properly installed Acrodisc Vent filter.
- The filter text should be on the Waste tank side of the vacuum pump line.
- This filter prevents water from being sucked into the vacuum pump if you forget to empty the Waste tank.
- Turn on Vacuum Pump (Pump is powered by InFlux Instrument Power)
- Ensure that the House Air is valve is open and pressurized (see Lab Prep)