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eshimabLess than 1 minute

After the vuebook re-init

  1. Copied over the
    • node_modules
    • package.json
    • pnpm-lock.yaml
    • tsconfig.json
  2. I had to reinstall vuepress-theme-hope with pnpm in the newly reformed vuebook directory
    pnpm install vuepress-theme-hope
  3. And that worked.
  4. You can check installed packages
    eshimbp22:vuebook eshim$ pnpm list
    Legend: production dependency, optional only, dev only
    vuebook@2.0.0 /Users/eshim/vuebook
    markdown-it-implicit-figures 0.11.0
    search 1.0.0
    @vuepress/client 2.0.0-beta.66
    typescript 5.1.6
    vue 3.3.4
    vue-router 4.2.4
    vuepress 2.0.0-beta.66
    vuepress-plugin-md-enhance 2.0.0-beta.233
    vuepress-plugin-search-pro 2.0.0-beta.233
    vuepress-theme-hope 2.0.0-beta.233

Following the guide on: Digital Ocean VuePress Introopen in new window

Use Homebrew to install nodejs@18 and npm globally

if the brew install commands fail...
  • If Homebrew fails, you may need to update it to an unshallow clone (whatever that is)
  • Update Homebrew using an "unshallow" clone
git -C /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core fetch --unshallow
  1. Open terminal, use brew to find node, install version 18 node@18
brew install node@18
  1. Use brew to install npm
brew install npm

Initiate vuepress project

Original guide from: Digital Ocean VuePress Introopen in new window

Initialize ~/vuebook with npm

  1. Initialize vuebook as an npm project
    cd ~/vuebook
    npm init --yes
  2. Use pnpm to install vue and vuepress
    pnpm install vuepress-theme-hope
    • At date of writing, vue is at version 3.3.4 and vuepress at 1.9.9