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InFlux Flight Manual

eshimabAbout 1 min

Using this guide

Text Style Conventions

Text StyleMeaningExample
Monospace FontSoftware Items and ValuesFile
Mono > Menu ItemSelecting an item in a menuFile > Open
ALL CAPS BOLDPhysical Instrument ButtonPLATES
ITALICS CAPSInstrument DisplayPinhole Camera
ItalicsInstrument Component?Nozzle

Container Highlights


A Danger box indicates something may seriously injur or kill the user.


Warnings are for things that may damage the instrument, cause data loss, or serioudly inconvenience the user.


Notes highlight important steps or display useful images.


Tips are for best practices

Details Dropdown Menu

Details are for troubleshooting or user's edification.

Manual Outline

  1. Lab Prep stuff
  2. Sheath Solution
  3. Calibration beads
  4. Fluidics

Lab and Instrument Startup

Lab Prep

  • Sheath solution
  • QC Bead samples
  • Other supplies

Power On Instrument

  • Systems check
  • Instrument Power
  • Workstation Power
  • Network Troubleshooting

Software Startup

  • Flowmwter Sensor Viewer
  • BD Sortware Basics

Setup Fluidics

Sheath and nozzle assembly

  • Hooking up Sheath/Waste tanks
  • Nozzle installation
  • Nozzle purging
  • Align stream to waste pipe

Sample running basics

  • Sample cradle
  • Sample line
  • Troubleshooting

Setup Optics

  • Prep and laser power
  • Coarse Alignment
  • Final Alignment

Optics Prep

  • Camera and Monitoe check
  • Sortware check
  • Laser power
  • Alignment process

Coarse “Beer” Alignment

  • Nozzle height
  • Pinhole Camera alignment
  • Nozzle tilt and Stage alignment
  • Laser alignment with beer and pinhole camera
  • FSC lens alignment with beer

Final “Bead” alignment

  • Sortware Setup
  • Laser Alignment: 488nm to SSC/Fluorescence detectors
  • Laser Alignment: 488nm to FSC
  • Laser Alignmwnt: 457nm to Fluorescence detextors

Sorting Alignment

  • Sorting Prep
  • Sortware Config
  • Find drop Break off point
  • Align side streams
  • Find drop delay

Sorting Prep

  • Supply prep
  • Systems check
  • Sortware Config

Find break off point

  • Theory
  • Setting vibration frequency
  • Setting Piezo voltage

Side Stream alignment

  • Sort chamber laser check
  • Deflection Plate voltage
  • Deflection Percent

Drop Delay calibration

  • Calculation via Drop Camera
  • Coarse alignment slide
  • Fine alignment slide

Additional Considerations

  • Estimating recovery
  • Monitoring the instrument between and during sorts