Setup Optics
Less than 1 minute
Stage Directions
The various knobs on the InFlux provide increasingly fine levels of adjustment. In order from "Coarse" to "Finest" the knobs are:
- Stream Tilt X / Stream Tilt Y
- Primarily used to align stream to waste pipe
- Stream Stage X / Stream Stage Y
- Primary use: Align Stream to SSC/Fluor Detector Paths
- Laser Stage Vertical
- Align Laser to SSC/Fluor Detectors
- FSC Lens X / FSC Lens Z
- Align FSC Lens to 488 Laser in the vertical and horizontal planes perpendicular to the direction of laser light.
- FSC Lens Y
- "Focus" the FSC Lens to the 488 Laser
- Laser Stage Sweep
- Fine adjustment of all lasers to the SSC/Fluor Detectors
- Optional: Minor adjustments to FSC Lens
Alignment Procedure
- Laser Stages and Tilt
- Laser Systems Reference
Alignment Pre-Flight
- Laser Power
- Turn on 488
- Turn on 457
- (Optional) - Turn on 671
- Systems Check
- Camera and Monitor check
- Sortware check
- Laser power
Visual Alignment
- Tilt and Stage alignment via pinhole and stream cameras
Coarse “Beer” Alignment
- Laser alignment with beer and pinhole camera
- FSC lens alignment with beer
Final “Bead” alignment
- Sortware Setup
- Laser Alignment: 488nm to SSC/Fluorescence detectors
- Laser Alignment: 488nm to FSC
- Laser Alignmwnt: 457nm to Fluorescence detextors