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A Sorted Affair

eshimabLess than 1 minute

Sorting Pre-Flight


  • Supply prep
    • Beads
    • Microscope
    • Slides
  • Systems check
    • Drop camera and monitor
    • Sort Chamber
      • Sort stream Illumination
      • Sort chamber laser check
      • Sort chamber door operation

Clean Deflection Plates

Sortware Config

  • Sort Settings
  • Tray control
  • Gating basics
  • Sort Modes: Calibration Slides

Drop Charge and Deflection

Side Stream alignment

-   Side stream illumination
  • Deflection Plate voltage
  • Deflection Percent

Find break off point

  • Theory
    • Drop Formation
    • Instrument stability
  • Nozzle and Sheath PSI
  • Setting frequency (kHz)
  • Setting Piezo voltage (V)

Drop Delay calibration

  • Calculation via Drop Camera
  • Coarse calibration slide
  • (Fine) calibration slide

Additional Considerations

  • Estimating recovery
  • Monitoring the instrument between and during sorts