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Systems Sorts RM

eshimabLess than 1 minute

Systems Sorts RM

Sort Chamber

  1. Where Cell Sorting occurs
  2. Sort Chamber Components
    1. Waste Pipe
      1. Where unsorted drops and sample stream are directed.
      2. Waste Pipe is plumbed via tubing at the Bottom/Rear (outsiode) the back of the Sort Chamber. The Tubing goes to the 4-barb Waste Tank Fitting.
    2. Sample Tray
      1. Supports the
    3. Sort Chamber Door
      1. Can be held open using the handle on Left Edge of Sort Chamber Door
    4. Electric Plates
      1. Used to Deflect Drops when Sorting
      2. Acivated using the PLATES Button on the Sort Chamber Control Panel, located on Instrument Chassis
    5. Sort Chamber Camera "STREAM"
      1. For Positioning Stream over Waste Pipe and for optimizing Sorting
    6. Sort Chamber ILLUM Laser
      1. Laser shines from Left to Right in the Sort Chamber and illuminates the Stream and the Sorting Side-Streams when the Drop Drive is active and the Electric Plates are On.
      2. Turned on using the ILLUM Button on the Sort Chamber Control Pannel on Instrument Chassis
      3. Sort Chamber ILLUM Laser is Enabled if the Magnetic Switch (Outside Chamber, Top Right Corner of Sort Chamber Door) is triggered.
        1. We have removed the Magnetic Switch from the Sort Chamber Door and use a loose Magnet to keep the Magnetic Switch activated, when when the Sort Chamber Door is Open.